Learning Management System (LMS) | The Missing Link in Education in Nigeria

Is it true that the utilization of a Learning Management System (LMS) by teachers and administrators is the missing link in Nigeria’s education? Come to think about it, so many countries of the world have incorporated the use of popular LMSs in instructional delivery, except for Nigeria and countries alike. Stay with us let’s tell you more about Learning Management System.
What is a Learning Management System (LMS)
Learning management System (LMS), according to Wikipedia is a software application for the documentation, tracking, reporting, administration and delivery of training programs or educational courses.
Typically, an LMS provides an instructor with a way to construct and deliver content, keep track of student or learner participation, and evaluate performance. A learning management system may also provide learners and teachers with the ability to use interactive features, such as video conferencing and threaded discussions/forums.
A Learning Management Systems provides and manages instructional content, and basically handles all student registration, course administration, and tracking, and reporting of student work.
Though there are a lot of names for digital aids or platforms for education, such as course management systems, virtual or managed learning platforms or systems, or computer-based learning environment.
The term learning management system has become the general term for products that help administer or deliver part or all of a course.
Industries/Institutions that use Learning Management System
Learning Management Systems are generally used by standardize industries (e.g. educational institutions and corporate organisations) for compliance schooling.
Many educational organizations also use it to improve and support classroom tutoring. Several online course offerings are made available to learners all over the world through very much alike means. Moreover, Learning Management Systems works efficiently as an information system that oversees instructor-led e-learning courses and keeps record of student progress.
Many corporate institutions use LMS, as part of training and employee management. It is true that a lot can be achieved by corporate institutions using LMSs.
Read also: Top 9 Reasons to Use LMS for Business Training in Nigeria
Top 5 Benefits of Learning Management System in Nigeria.
Incorporating an LMS into pedagogy in Nigeria has its unique advantages. Here are the benefits of using LMSs:
1. Geographically independent
Students don’t Necessarily have to been in the same place or even same state for learning to take place as everything will be on their devices, students would have access to their accounts where the necessary information and materials needed can be accessed anywhere, anytime. This increases productivity and decreases downtime as students can learn on the go wherever they are.
2. Freedom
It gives the students freedom and control over the whole learning process making them read and understand at their own pace. They themselves organize their own time table on when to study and schedule their activities accordingly. It also gives you the flexibility of schooling and working as you get to choose your study hours as opposed to the traditional style of schooling; having a fixed time for class which usually coincides with work hours here in Nigeria.
3. Tracks your progress and performance
Learning Management Systems gives you the ability to keep record of your progress, makes sure that you are meeting the required milestone needed and also shows you where you are lacking and where you excel, allowing you to put in more work where you’re falling behind for an overall good performance.
4. Centralized Learning
Another good advantage of Learning management System is the fact that it is centralized, meaning that everything from training, performance tracking and evaluation are available at all times from the same source. Different users from different place can all access the information at any given time. These systems guarantees consistency in the evaluation and distribution of materials, meaning that every user gets the same content through the same manner. All types of training content, development content and Performance content are all available 24/7 to it’s users with web access.
5. Simplified Learning Process
Learning management System makes it really easy to learn as most new users can figure out everything easily without breaking a sweat. It delivers integrated and great learning experience for the users that expound upon virtual to learning and Collaboration.
How LMS can Revolutionize Learning
No one should under-estimate the importance of technology in Nigeria Education. An LMS can suitably be designed as a video based learning platform for self-study, training, development or teaching.
Whether you are a tutor looking to make teaching a lot more easier and fun or an aspiring student; a Learning Management System efficiently helps you to transform your informational documents, training, course-ware and curriculum.
Teachers can also convert their everyday notes into audio-video training, helping the students/learners to access them from anywhere and with complete ease at anytime. Students too can benefit from easy access of information.
To comprehensively enjoy all the benefits of a LMS, you first need to make sure that you decide the right one that will go in line with your needs. Once that is done, you can be rest assured of taking the right step towards all round self development.
These tools serve so many purposes such as course documentation, instructional delivery, administration and evaluation that make it possible for both teachers and students to maximize the use of a Learning Management System.
In Nigeria today, the most suitable Learning Management System with standard LMS tools or functionalities is the Gopius LMS. This LMS is charged with redefining teaching and learning in Nigeria.
Disadvantages of LMS
The only disadvantage of Learning management System to me would be the lack of human interaction but asides from that the pros outweighs the con and is definitely the future of learning as a whole.
Blended learning, a situation where traditional classroom instruction can be combined with online learning for a more personalized learning experience of the students, is the solution to the problem. Also important is that the Gopius LMS is developed for blended learning in Nigeria.
Learning management System is the next best thing in the education sector in Nigeria and if adopted will revolutionize the education sector making learning better, faster and smarter.