Why Every School in Nigeria needs a Learning Management System

Why every school in Nigeria needs a Learning Management System

With the obvious impact of the novel corona virus on schools, which has led to school closures, the world over. There is an urgent need for remote learning across all institutions of learning; primary, secondary and higher education institutions. Many schools have resorted to using other applications, such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Zoom, Go-to-Meeting, and others, for instructional delivery. Instead of using a Learning Management System (LMS) which is most ideal for online teaching and learning in schools.  This is why this article will focus on why every school in Nigeria needs a Learning Management System (LMS).

Read also: Benefits of LMS for eLearning | Learning Management Systems


What is a Learning Management System

A Learning Management System is a software tool which is necessary for overseeing the learnable courses in an institution. LMSes are usually embedded into the learning facility’s digital database to ensure that the process of disseminating information within the learning facility goes on as smoothly and effortlessly as possible.

In institutions, like a primary and secondary schools, a Learning Management System oversees, administers, tracks, automates and delivers semester courses in a fluid way that can be accessed by more students over a wider range. This implies that when an LMS is installed and properly managed within a school, learning will no more be restricted to the four walls of the institution. A popular Learning Management Systems (LMS) service provider for schools in Nigeria is Gopius LMS.

Read also: Top Learning Management Systems in Nigeria


Why Every School in Nigeria needs a Learning Management System

Ever since they were introduced in the late 1900s, Learning Management Systems have undergone a series of landmark advancements. As time unfolds, they are being incorporated into the learning system of many more institutions, and Nigeria has not been left behind in this revolution.

1. They make learning in a formal setting more accessible

With the introduction of e-learning platforms and LMSs, people do not necessarily need to be physically confined to the educational institution before they can learn. Since courses and programs can be recorded by the instructors and hosted on a virtual platform, students can take advantage of the internet to access these programs from anywhere and still learn as if they were in a classroom.
All that is required to achieve this on the part of the students are tools like a device connected to the internet (phone, laptop, etc), steady internet connection, and a deliberate effort on their part to make out time to learn.

2. Students can personalize their learning

Another characteristic of learning within a school environment is that the students have to learn at the pace of the teacher, and what the school’s curriculum has set for them. Under this system, there is little attention given to the fact that people learn at different paces. When students learn in an e-learning system, they have the ability to control the speed with which they learn.
This autonomy is necessary because once students have access to these programs, they can regulate the speed with which they learn. They can revisit programs if the needs arise, have access to virtual tutorials with their instructors, and a whole lot more options.

3. Teachers have the support of automated systems

One major reason why Nigeria schools need to adopt the use of a Learning Management System in the education sector is that: LMSs and e-learning platforms allow teachers the flexibility and benefits associated with leveraging automated systems to teach. There is only so much a person can do.
When a teacher is limited by the physical learning system of a school, all he can attend to are the students in the classroom per time. But, if his job is aided by an e-learning system, he has the ability to reach more students. He can work with an increased level of accuracy and precision because of the help of machines. Because of this, his efficiency as a teacher is increased.

4. Teachers will have less work to do

Another advantage of LMS software is that they are programmable. For instance, let us assume a teacher sends a survey or test questions to his class with a tool like Google forms. He can grade the answers they send in almost immediately and revert to them without physically marking scripts and compiling grades.
Helpful applications like Spreadsheets can be used to compile and compute results for easier access and grading. If tools like these are incorporated into the Nigerian education system, there will be more efficiency in learning and the dispensing of knowledge.

5. It does not require special training before it can be used

For software which are very valuable in the educational sector, online learning platforms and Learning Management Systems do not require special training to be used. All that is required is that the students be oriented on best practices. The bulk of the maintenance job is done by the company that installed it.

6. They are portable

The average Nigerian student knows how heavy their books can get. It becomes better if the student is a law or medical student. These people read so much and have to go through a lot of books. The stress involved in carrying this load around can cause health challenges for students.
But, the Learning Management System was created with this in mind. With them, a whole semester’s workload can be programmed into a small storage device, which the student can easily carry around with him. Also, audio courses allow students to incorporate the habit of reading, since they may not have to make out special time to sit down and read.

7. Multimedia teaching is a key secret to faster assimilation

We live in a very fast-paced world. A lot of distractions exist now, most of them a result of the advancements of technology. This poses a threat to learning and how fast students can assimilate. E-learning can solve this problem because it combines different learning media to make sure the students get what they are being taught..
Whether they are seeing videos, listening to an audio, or using multimedia means, this learning system affords more people the opportunity to learn.

8. Teachers and students are better involved in the learning process

Some LMSs allow the users the privilege of having access to virtual classrooms. These classrooms can be accessed by both teachers and students at any time. As a result of this, communication between these parties are easier and more effective. There is also adequate access to sufficient information with the right LMS.

9. Learning Management System saves time and other resources

Because information can be accessed in the same place, resources are spared as people try to navigate the system. Once an LMS is introduced, there can be a central system of collecting data. These data can be accessed anywhere by anyone, and this will save so much time. This is as a result of the fact that the systems are automated.

10. LMSs improve the learning experience

Learning management systems make learning so much fun and improved. These platforms come with customization options which are unlimited. As a result of this, students play a major part in setting how they want to learn, including how the virtual class must be. This way, they are more comfortable and feel more in control of the situation. Like this, there is a higher tendency for them to assimilate faster.

11. Recent events

Recent events in world history have shown the necessity of having a digitized system for everything. The most recent outbreak of the pandemic forced the closure of schools and public places. This had a strong toll on the Nigerian demographic because many young people in this country are students who were completely occupied with their studies.

Read also: Learning Management System (LMS) | The Missing Link in Education in Nigeria



Now that you’ve learnt why every school in Nigeria needs a Learning Management System, it is time to see how to incorporate LMSs into the mainstream learning processes of education institutions. Especially since e-learning is not restricted by space and time.

Yes, e-learning platforms cannot completely take the place of traditional classroom learning, but they are a sure way to make the learning process much easier, more efficient, and more interesting for all parties involved. LMS makes it possible for blended learning to be implemented in schools.

Since incorporating e-learning and LMSs into Nigerian schools is a noble task, it is very vital to hire the services of a company that is well-equipped to do a great job with the installation of these systems. It is not just enough to want to install an LMS software, the person that does it will determine whether or not the systems are installed properly.

This is why it is advisable for your school to outsource this, and let those who have a proven track record of installing LMSs for schools and corporate organisations handle it.

Read also: Learning Management System (LMS) | The Missing Link in Education in Nigeria


Act Now!

In case your school is looking for a trustworthy, reliable and cost-effective LMS installation company, get in touch today by contacting us.

Gopius LMS is an ideal Learning Management System for all kind of schools in Nigeria. Primary and secondary schools, as well as universities and polytechnics can use our white label LMS to digitize learning. School administrators, instructors and learners can track progress, give assignments, notes, quiz/test, survey and poll. Our online learning portal support integrations with other popular applications such as Google and Microsoft. It is also cloud-based.

Reach out to us now, and let us help you take your school create amazing learning. TRY GOPIUS FOR FREE NOW!!!

Hope this article has done justice to why every school in Nigeria needs a Learning Management System (LMS)? If you have other concerns regarding the topic, please feel free to drop your questions in the comment section below. DO not forget to share if you like the post.


  • Godwin Ekpo is an experienced Educationist and Learning Experience Designer with a proven track record of developing and implementing effective learning solutions for all kinds of organizations.

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