Transformative Learning: The Preparation For Organizational Change

In this essay, I’ll cover why transformative learning may be applied in corporate training to boost employees’ productivity and why our style of thinking has the capacity to affect a business.
Also read: How E-Learning Can Promote a Learning Culture Within Your Organization
How Does My Way Of Thinking Affect A Company?
You are distinct because of your thoughts and experiences. They help you carry out your duties, communicate with coworkers, and solve difficulties. You are affected by this, but so are those in your immediate vicinity. We each contribute a wide range of experiences, convictions, and viewpoints to the workplace, which come together to build an organizational system.
The actions and issues within the corporation are produced by these intangible mental models. This illustrates how our own actions as individuals can have a detrimental or good impact on our results.
Change inside an Organization Begins with us
Donella Meadows stated that because mental models influence our behavior, our efforts to modify the mindsets that underpin systems like organizations will have the biggest impact. Why does this matter? It implies that if you make a commitment to admitting the limits of your presumptions and keeping an open mind to fresh ideas, you can contribute extra value and advancement to a company. We will increase productivity at work if we all focus our efforts on altering the way we think and learn from one another.
The effects of mental-model block can be disastrous for organizations, especially in today’s fast-paced environment when success depends on being able to adapt to change. How much do businesses spend on training or adopting inefficient solutions as a result of false presumptions? How many possibilities for growth do they miss as a result of management’s incapacity to defrost their beliefs?
You and others are encouraged to reflect on your thoughts and come up with new ideas by fostering an environment that stimulates both individual and communal reflection. To bring about the change you want to see in your firm, you must go beyond what you already know.
A Force For Transformation: Transformative Learning
How can you encourage reflection in your company culture? You need a transforming force that can cause that profound mentality shift if you want to dismantle mental schemes. That inquiry might have an answer thanks to transformative learning.
A significant transformation in consciousness is what it seeks to achieve, along with emotional and cognitive reactions that alter one’s behavior and way of thinking.
Jack Mezirow’s efforts and study serve as the foundation for this hypothesis. He stated that students who have experiences that conflict with their preconceived notions are more likely to reflect and challenge their knowledge. As a result, they construct and incorporate fresh concepts to find inventive solutions to issues and adjust to change.
The goal of transformative learning is to develop “reflective practitioners,” who are constantly seeking to learn from their experiences. Ten methodical steps are included, which can be broken down into the following four primary ones: the bewildering problem, the critical reflection, the collaboration, and the implementation.
Putting Theory Into Practice
I previously spoke on the significance of adjusting to change and how false presumptions could lead to businesses wasting money on unproductive interventions. What if the inability of the managers to work together and admit fault is the reason why your business is facing this problem? What would you do in their favor? Here are some tips for using transformational learning to boost employee performance.
How can the requirements and goals of the firm be established as a shared understanding? Using conversation to examine various points of view, collaborative learning events, such as communities of practice or seminars, can be a tactical technique to encourage managers to share their experiences and justifications with others. Managers will believe that their difficulty affects the entire management team, which works together to create innovative business concepts.
Critical Reflection
Why can’t managers put effective solutions into practice? Managers will begin to question why their prior actions resulted in inefficiency as they become aware that they don’t know everything and that there are alternative ways to approach the issue. To encourage their critical thinking and reflection and to change their opinions into more open ideas, targeted inquiries and reflective exercises might be helpful tools.
How can you assist managers in incorporating fresh ideas into their paradigm? Managers may produce fresh thoughts on interesting subjects by fostering a community that is safe and committed to lifelong learning. They acquire the information and abilities needed to create action plans, implement them in their work, and communicate their findings to the team. Ad hoc resources can also be created to serve as chances for reflection and ongoing improvement.
Disorienting Dilemma
How can you persuade managers to acknowledge their ignorance? Managers are able to view a presentation regarding previous initiatives and their effects in a welcoming, nonjudgmental learning environment. They will be able to see the discrepancy between their goals and the outcomes of their actions. This realization is probably going to make them feel disoriented and unsatisfied, which might make them want to change.
The organizational system is not complete without us. We can stop an organization from expanding because of our poor knowledge and comprehension. The most efficient method to bring about change and innovation is to get beyond our mindsets.
We are able to do this through transformative learning. Starting from the inside out, each of us can undergo a fundamental metamorphosis that affects not only the people around us but ultimately the entire business. The amount of times we can do something better is limitless. You need to be able to see them in order to do it.