Blended Learning Solutions Versus Online Training: What Distinguishes Them

Online and offline learning can generally be distinguished from one another, however, blended learning software makes this distinction more difficult. What distinguishes one from another significantly? We will see blended learning solutions versus online training and go through what distinguishes them.
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Blended Learning Solutions Versus Online Training: How Different Are They?
When you use the word “blend” in the context of eLearning, you mean that your course includes both online and offline components. What portions of the course will be digital or analog lacks a blueprint. Depending on their goals, staff preferences, and financial constraints, any organization can choose which components to mix and match.
Is this different from online instruction that only uses learning technologies, though? Let’s examine the main differences between online training methods and blended learning solutions.
5 Outright Distinctions Between Blended Learning Software And Online Training
1. Incorporates Elements of face-to-face Training
A seminar or conference typically serves as the format for traditional training (for adults). You will stay in a hotel or go to a location for a few days or perhaps even a few weeks. Your keynote speaker or facilitator presents lectures and slideshows. During coffee breaks, participants converse and take notes.
After class, they might spend the evening together. This training component is included in blended learning systems, although seminars are condensed because most training occurs online. Additionally, face-to-face interaction can be replicated with mixed software without the inconvenience or cost.
Trainees have the option of scheduling a live web conference rather than attending a physical course. They all sign on at the same time and view their facilitator’s live broadcast.
2. Instruction occurs both Online and Offline
This has been mentioned in passing, but the method is more important. Everything remains in the realm of technology thanks to online applications. You view photographs, watch videos, or read text. You can also listen to audio clips that have been downloaded or live-streamed.
However, training using blended software takes place in part away from a computer or smartphone. It might be a video call or an in-person meeting. With the use of online technologies, students occasionally video-call their lecturers for evaluation and feedback. Although it could seem like a blending tool, it isn’t always the case.
Active knowledge transmission and a clear learning objective are requirements for a blended class to be considered effective. Asking pertinent questions does qualify as training, but receiving teacher feedback does not. In a fundamental sense, instructor-prompted sessions are not inherently blended tools, but student-initiated inquiries might be considered blended learning LMS support resources.
3. Instructors Are Actively Involved
“Instructor-less lessons” are a common description of online courses. They aren’t true because they were originally put together by someone. However, the teacher plays no active role after creating the course and compiling its content. Instead, they consult FAQs, assistance robots, or technical support for guidance.
Beyond that, they pursue their academic interests at their own leisure. With blended learning, instructors are constantly accessible. The instructor can be reached through video conference in cases where they aren’t constantly present.
They might meet with trainees for consultation once a day or once a week. Another option is to host a planned training webinar during which students can ask questions live (or type them in). It fosters a strong company culture and can help remote employees feel like a member of the team.
4. Dynamism is Attainable
The material for online training is generally consistent. The same images and text will be presented to succeeding trainees unless you modify or enhance them. This is crucial in some situations because their training will be identical (e.g. franchises).
Trainee sessions will vary slightly with blended learning software. Even if the general idea is the same in face-to-face sessions, the instructor is unlikely to adhere to a script verbatim. Sometimes a different facilitator may lead each training session.
Even if their foundational information is the same, that alters the entire lesson. This isn’t always a problem. For instance, it implies that repeat students take a different version of their initial lesson. Due to the slight variations, typical compliance training is made less boring. It makes the annual compliance renewal process a lot easier.
5. Gives Room for Autonomy
It’s true that in online learning environments, staff members can still access peer-to-peer support through social media groups and other teamwork opportunities. The capacity to communicate with peers in real-time or on a more intimate level is not available, hence this is relatively limited as compared to attending live events or ILT sessions. such as having spur-of-the-moment conversations during a live event that ultimately reveal concealed knowledge gaps.
Employees are empowered by blended learning solutions to look for information on their own and concentrate on their areas for development. They can nevertheless access their peer-based network both online and offline. There is no technological separation, therefore they are more likely to engage with one another and develop collaborative skills. Instead, by meeting their peers in person, remote workers can develop a more supportive training community and culture.
Without the use of video conferencing solutions, there is little place for face-to-face communication among employees who use the platform to achieve corporate objectives. A different issue is blended learning software. What distinguishes online training software from blended learning solutions, then?
Combining the latter with pre-selected offline training methods. Face-to-face meetings, either in person or online, are among them. In this way, students receive a carefully selected mix of online and offline instruction. Additionally, blended training has an accessible, readily recognized, and present instructor/facilitator.
Online training rarely includes a “teacher” that you can identify, though chatbots are available. Now, you know who comes out on top between blending learning solutions versus online training.