Technologies in the Classroom: Past, Present & Future

Technologies In The Classroom in Nigeria: Past, Present & Future..
While technology in education is taking new shape with every single turn of the day, many wonder what the future of classrooms and education would be.
We can’t begin to trace the future of education without looking back at where we have been and where we are right now.
The ripe way to measure these differences is to look at the technology and tools that have carried us along as we through these times and how we have come a long way.
Let’s take a look at where our education technology used in the past, in the present, and in the future.
Read also: Key Features of A Good Learning Management System (LMS)
Technology in the Classrooms in Nigeria: The Past
Looking at the past in education would take us remembering a lot of educational tools that are gradually fading away with our new generation.
I want to believe most of parents would be the ones to remember these lists of tools that was prevalent in their time.
Read also: How Parental Engagement Can Improve Education
- Fountain pens
- Pencils
- Markers
- Chalk boards and erasers
- 3-ring binders
- Folders
- Ditto machines
- Filmstrip machines (Beep!)
- Physical filing cabinets
- Overhead projectors with transparent slides
- Early computers (remember the floppy disk?)
Technologies in the Classroom: The Present
In our present era education has seen very steep changes since the introduction of computers into classrooms in 1981. Since then the spread of knowledge has grown so fast in it has turned our world into a global village.
Technology has been education grow in variety, creativity and more effectiveness.
Technology is playing an increasingly large role in education and here some of the technology making impacts in our present education.
Modern computers
Since the rise of the 21st century the introduction of computers has changed the way education was been spread throughout the world.
Electronic files and storage
With CD’s large files of knowledge were been stored in large quantity in very simple forms.
Computer networks
The networking of computers also increased the transfer of knowledge easily without bulk of stress of having to write or print them.
Major role of the Internet
The internet turned the world into a global village with information spreading across the globe in matter off seconds.
Major role of email
Emails have enabled us to pass messages formally and informally to any person in faraway distances.
The Cloud (Google Apps for education)
Clouds and apps enable us to save any material online and making them accessible to large group of people at any time.
Smart boards
With smart boards gradually replacing blackboards and marker boards teaching in classes have become easier and interactive.
Students and educators can now carry out live discussions via the video calls.
Unified communications
Mobile devices and tablets. The age of smart phones, tablets and iphone has made mobile classes a surprising possibility.
Technology in Education: The Future
If today’s technology includes smart boards, the Internet, and cloud today, what will we have in the nearest future?
Just imagine how technology will change the learning experience in education. You will agree with me that the future of education will see technology streamlining and improving interfaces.
Another thing we might see is better information integration. Better collection and access to important information could help customize the education experience for individual students.
It’s exciting to think about all of the possibilities that the future of education will bring, but while you are in your imagination let me give a few glimpse of what we can expect.
Learning Management System
A LMS is fast becoming an indispensable technology in present day classrooms in the world. In Nigeria, the Smart Lecturer LMS is the only Learning Management platform for higher institutions and businesses. Teachers and learners should use this web app to simplify learning in Nigeria now.
With the advance in biometrics, the science that recognizes the behavioral or physical qualities of people, we see a future where students learning material and teaching process would be developed according to an individual student disposition.
Do you see a future where students in classrooms putting on wearable-devices? I bet that’s the next big thing to watch out for. Virtual reality headgears, wristbands, smart watches making head roads in technology today will take education to the next level.
With multi-touch surfaces students in a single swipe of the desk can have access to videos, online resources and other virtual tools. These surfaces like desks or workstations can work wonder for students to collaborate with their peers around the world.
We have done a pretty good job in our educational system you would say, isn’t it? Yeah, that is what it is.
It is also good to also that most developing countries need to still catch up the new technically trends and improve the quality of education to all in the world.
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