Corporate Training: 5 Resources You Need For Your Regulatory Compliance Program

Regulatory Compliance Program – Business training can focus on big or small goals. Macro is usually outside.
A group in charge of the industry makes a list of rules and makes sure people follow them.
It’s possible that they could become a law. These things are rules for different professions, like doctors, lawyers, and drivers.
Micro-compliance is smaller and deals with things like inappropriate behavior, following the rules for money, and taking care of equipment.
They are different for each organization and are mostly enforced within the organization. What tools and features does your LMS need for compliance training?
Here are 5 important resources to use in your compliance training program with a corporate LMS.
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5 Resources You Need For Your Regulatory Compliance Program
Techniques For Compliance
In the example above, your employees may be clearly aware of the potential risk. But other questions can be a bit unclear in terms of compliance.
Maybe instead of paying for your purchase, the customer will empty their cart and wait for you.
Then when you walk out to your car, they’ll give you a bottle of wine or a book. How to politely refuse without offending them.
Your LMS can provide branching scenarios, simulations, and real-life conversations to help students get out of these difficult situations. It does not have to be a complete course. It could just be a quick guide on “how to say no gracefully” or “setting company boundaries. ”
Legal Glossaries
The typical compliance manual is like terms and conditions, but it’s even harder to understand.
At a civilian level, we can click ‘I agree’ without reading them, but at corporate levels, it’s not possible.
Usually, a compliance officer checks to see if you are following the rules. You might get a special certificate only if you pass tests to show you follow the rules.
After knowing that, an outside person has to come to your place to check it. They check to make sure all the rules and measures are ready before renewing any licenses.
In order to obey these rules, you need to first know and understand them. Consider your job agreement. The first page or two has paragraphs that explain important words.
Typically, they explain what ‘the company’, ‘the employee’, and ‘the business’ mean in the law. Your company’s training program should have this type of document available, both as part of the training and on its own.
Create text that is easy to read, can be found easily, can be used without the internet, and can be accessed on a smartphone.
The glossary needs to have the right special words, and then underneath each word, a simple explanation that anyone can understand, maybe with pictures. This helps you remember better and makes sure you understand.
Contextual Instances
Context is important in any type of training, but it is imperative when it comes to compliance. This helps bring theory closer to reality.
It’s also the only way your team will be truly compliant. Without context, your employees won’t necessarily know that they are breaking the law.
For example, let’s say your policy states that employees should never receive tips over $100. Anything beyond that constitutes “financial influence” or bribery.
Remember, the law has many loopholes, and these small loopholes can cost you thousands of dollars, or worse, a lawsuit.
For example, you meet a customer in the supermarket. You chat while your cart is counted. You don’t have your loyalty card with you, so the customer offers to pay your bill.
They said they needed the loyalty points because they were “saving up” for the microwave. You laugh and agree. Except your bill comes to $100.
Usually, it’s not a big deal. But legally, during the audit process, this can be considered bribery. This could result in you paying a $5,000 fine, all for going over 24 cents.
Demo Videos
Showing instead of telling is the best way to improve knowledge retention in your company’s compliance training program.
Like right/wrong demonstration videos that teach employees how to follow rules and avoid mistakes.
For example, one video shows a cartoon character failing to place signs when cleaning up a spill. Or use heavy equipment without wearing appropriate equipment.
They notice certain behaviors that they can imitate in the workplace. As well as those that could lead to violations or costly injuries.
Your LMS has a broader scope than stand-alone courses. And since you have complete control over it, you can fill it out however you want.
In case of compliance with regulations, it is possible to customize it according to your needs. You can add resources that are not available in standard training courses.
They include a portable glossary to clarify legal terms. Case studies are always good because the context pushes the candidate beyond meaningless theories.
Finally, give them practical experience to resist mild temptations that lead to noncompliance. This makes their lives much easier and will save you millions in fines while avoiding embarrassing situations.
Cheat Sheets
Sometimes your employees just need a quick “cheat sheet” that covers certain aspects of the company’s training program. For example, how to properly handle objects or store them at safe temperatures/conditions.
An infographic will definitely give them all the information that is a necessity in a microlearning format. They can refresh their memory and avoid common mistakes without having to sit through a lecture or attend an hour-long class.
Be sure to limit graphics to 5 items/section or less so employees don’t get overwhelmed. Additionally, only using images related to the topic instead of trying to fill it with eye-catching images contributes to cognitive overload.