Redeploy or Relocate? 3 Best NYSC Redeployment Letter Sample

Redeploy or Relocate? NYSC Redeployment Letter Sample

You are wondering if you can redeploy or relocate immediately after NYSC orientation? Here is a complete guide on redeployment, with NYSC Redeployment Letter Sample.

A lot of prospective corp members look for ways to work out their NYSC posting to a preferable State of their choice. Some are successful while others may not have enough money to carry it out. These latter set of people thus leave their hope into the hands of fate.

In this instance, they begin to brainstorm ways for redeployment.

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What is NYSC Redeployment?

NYSC Redeployment can thus be referred to as process involved in transferring a corp member from the state of deployment to another more presumed comfortable state.

To Redeploy, is a process that should be initiated by the corp member. Redeployment can only be started in the camp after the swearing in ceremony which can only be implemented only after the camp. There are however laid down conditions/factors that make the redeployment possible.

Reasons for Redeployment or Relocation of Corp Members

It is very vital that you get to know these procedures in advance. There is a lot of stress involved in this process and failure to know this can make it even more difficult a process. The bases upon which you can redeploy include:

Marital Grounds

If you are married, NYSC has made it possible for you to apply for redeployment. This privilege is only opened to female corps members.  The corps members redeploying on this basis are expected to redeploy to their husbands’ State of residence. This restriction is based on the fact that women would mostly be needed at home than their husbands. (Well I don’t know if the moral of that claim is just). That’s the rule anyway.

Those redeploying on the basis of marital grounds would be expected to supply or attach the following:

  • A formal letter directed to the director general
  • Your Marriage certificate
  • A change of name published in one of the national newspapers
  • A formal letter from the husband stating his state of residence.

Medical Ground

You can also be considered for redeployment on medical grounds. The medical report coming from an authentic hospital must come with strong medical conditions that would make it difficult for you to stay away from you state of treatment or your family.

Medical reports will/can only be accepted from recognized hospitals such as institution’s medical Centre or a recognized General Hospitals, Military/Police Hospital, Federal Medical Centre’s reports. (See Sample Letter Below)

Your report would undergo scrutiny. The process has become stricter than before. Most of this report are said to be sent to the secretariat in the state where the report was collected for them to verify the hospital and the claims in the report.

Security Basis

The security concerns in our country are well known. With the forceful advent of Boko Haram in most Northern States of Nigeria and the brutal religious killing in most of these areas the life and security of most of these corp members are at high risk. No parents as well as guardians would feel comfortable to leave his or her ward in these danger zones. The NYSC administration has also made it possible for these ones posted to these places to apply for redeployment.

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How to Write A Letter of Relocation | NYSC Redeployment Letter Sample

In response to the frequent request I have gotten lately, I have been able to come up with another article on ‘Redeployment’ but this time, emphasis is on the ‘samples of NYSC redeployment letter’ on the various grounds on which redeployment can be granted. In case you do not know much about NYSC Redeployment, you can read one of our articles on ‘redeployment’ by clicking on this link:

These sample letters will be considered based on the different grounds for redeployment.

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1. Marital Grounds

This is the most common reason for NYSC corps members’ redeployment from their State of posting to the State of their choice. This privilege is only given to married female corps members and they are usually expected to redeploy to their husbands’ State of residence. For this redeployment to be made possible, a formal letter directed to the Director General of NYSC is to be written and the following documents’ copies should be attached to it:

  • Your marriage certificate
  • Newspaper publication of change of name
  • A formal letter from your husband stating his State of residence


Sample of NYSC Redeployment Letter on the basis of Marriage

The Director General
National Youth Service Corps Directorate
Plot 416, Tigris Crescent
Maitama, Abuja

Dear Sir,


The above subject matter refers.

I am a corps member posted to ___________ State. Recently got married to Mr._______________ who works and resides in ____________ State. I have successfully completed my 3 weeks in orientation camp in _________ State.

By reason of the foregoing, I hereby most respectfully request to be redeployed to ____________ State where my husband resides. This will enable me cater and care for my young family. This request notwithstanding, I remain committed to my call to service of the nation.

Thank you in anticipation of your kind consideration and favourable response.

Attached herewith are copies of:

  1. My Call-Up Letter
  2. My Marriage Certificate
  3. Publication of change of name

Thank you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Bola, Mfon Ugomma


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Aside from legally married female corps members, some pregnant corps members, whether married or not, can seldom be given the privilege to redeploy too. Their redeployment letter would be similar to that of married corpers except for some adjustments.


NYSC Redeployment Letter Sample on the basis of Pregnancy

The Director General
National Youth Service Corps Directorate
Plot 416, Tigris Crescent
Maitama, Abuja

Dear Sir,


The above subject matter refers.

I am a corps member posted to ___________ State. I’m not married but I am currently pregnant for one Mr._______________ (my fiancé) who works and resides in ____________ State; my family also reside here. I have successfully completed my 3 weeks in orientation camp in _________ State.

By reason of the foregoing, I hereby most respectfully request to be redeployed to ____________ State where my family and fiancé resides. This will enable me take care of myself and my unborn child. This request notwithstanding, I remain committed to my call to service of the nation.

Thank you in anticipation of your kind consideration and favourable response.

Yours faithfully,

Bola, Mfon Ugomma


NB: this request for redeployment on the basis of pregnancy may not be granted but it will still worth a try.


2. Medical Grounds

So many corps members are also considered for redeployment on medical grounds. Corps members are expected to come with a medical report from an NYSC approved hospitals. The ailment or disease these corps members are suffering from must be such that would make it difficult for them to stay away from their State of treatment and their family.

Some of the medical conditions that can be considered for NYSC redeployment are asthma, leukemia, stroke, heart and kidney diseases, HIV/AIDS, etc. For this purpose, NYSC usually accept a Doctor’s Report as well as a letter of redeployment from corps members with the Doctor’s Report attached.

See a Sample of a Doctor’s Report now!


Sample letter of Redeployment of NYSC corps member on medical grounds

The Director General
National Youth Service Corps Directorate
Plot 416, Tigris Crescent
Maitama, Abuja

Dear Sir,


The above subject matter refers.

I am a corps member posted to ___________ State with Call-Up No:___________. I’m currently undergoing some health challenges that require my having access to proper medical care at all times. I have been advised by my Doctor to go to the hospital regularly for check-up.

It is on the basis of this that I most humbly apply to be redeployed from _________ State to __________ State where I may have access to the required medical care. I remain committed to my call to service of the nation.

Thank you for your kind consideration and favorable response.

P.S Attached herewith are copies of:

  1. Call-Up Letter
  2. Doctor’s Report

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Bola, Mfon Ugomma


How To Apply For NYSC Relocation & Redeployment (Tested Ways)

1. Applying within the camp

This is one way for the you can write you letter of redeployment is by applying for it while on camp. It is within the 21 days duration orientation course on camp that interested Corp members will have the opportunity reapply for relocation at the second week on camp.

Normally, a form will be given out to the interested corper to fill. As stated above, the corper would have to state the reason he or she to relocation, providing proof as evidence. You will also be asked to submit an application letter for redeployment together with the form.

2. Applying online after camp

Wondering, which site can some one apply for relocation while in service? It was difficult or rather an impossible task to get relocation approval after the 21 days orientation camping is over. The NYSC board has now made it possible to easily apply online for relocating even after the camp is over. You need not wait to get your approval for relocation after 3 months as you can get approved for relocation even after 2 weeks of application.

Below is How to apply for NYSC Relocation and Redeployment Online

1. Visit the [NYSC Official Website]

2. Sign in with your email and password (same as the ones you earlier used in registering on the portal)

3. Click on “Relocation”

4. Fill in your details appropriately into the fields provided.

You will be notified afterwards through text messages and mails about developments on your application (whether it was approved or rejected).


How to Print the Online NYSC Relocation and Redeployment Letter With Ease

1. Visit the Official NYSC Portal.

2. Log in with your email ..and password.

3. Click on Manage Relocation.

4. Make a payment and wait for it to redirect you after successful payment

5. Print your payment receipt which will serve as your evidence of successful payment after printing your NYSC Relocation letter online.

Make sure you make copies of the printed letter for reference during your passing out.



This is how far we can go in this article. We hope we have been able to provide the needed answers on this issue. If you still have other questions on NYSC, kindly make it known here as we will try our possible best to provide answers to your questions.

Try and visit this blog more often as we are sure of updating you with the latest tips and information about the NYSC programme. Share this article with friends on social media via the icons below.



  • Godwin Ekpo is an experienced Educationist and Learning Experience Designer with a proven track record of developing and implementing effective learning solutions for all kinds of organizations.

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  1. Please there was an error on my husband name and surname on d relocation page and till now it has not been corrected. I haven’t gotten my allowance as well

    1. You should go back to the Secretariat, lay a complaint about the error on your name and surname, so it will be corrected. Keep insisting on the relocation and your unpaid allowance; Its your right. Do not allow them change your mind on relocating; its very possible.

    2. Pls my husband is suffering from k cd and he was posted to Enugu even when else uploaded our medical report and he is not fit to travel what do we do

  2. Congratulations on the successful relocation. Just lay the complaints as instructed and give them time. The name will be corrected and your due allowance will be paid. Congrats again Idowu

  3. pls Iwas posted to yobe, hope my relocation application can be accepted right there in the camp because of security ground

    1. Hi Boniface, here’s how to apply for relocation online and outside orientation camp:
      Below is How to apply for NYSC Relocation and Redeployment Online

      1. Visit the [NYSC Official Website

      2. Sign in with your email and password (same as the ones you earlier used in registering on the portal)

      3. Click on “Relocation”

      4. Fill in your details appropriately into the fields provided.

      You will be notified afterwards through text messages and mails about developments on your application (whether it was approved or rejected).

  4. Hi mr Godwin. Sir, i made a mistake in the husband state of residence while applying for relocation. I was supposed to put lagos but mistakenly, i put kwara. Now m so worried because im unable to change it. Please sir, what can i do cause i dont wanna be relocates to kwara.

  5. Please I recently got married last week and want to apply for redeployment, but I have not done chance of name on news papers yet, hope it can still be approved or do I need to wait till the change of name is done?

    1. Congratulations on your marriage. The prerequisite for redeployment on the basis of marriage is via a change of name on national dailies. Though, if you dont have that handy now, you can still make a move for it and it will be done. We r in Nigeria my sister… Lol

  6. Pls I need a sample of the letter stating husband place of domicile from employee in other to proof that my husband works in that state so I can be posted there.
    Note: he will be writing it himself because he is self employed

  7. Pls I need a sample of the letter stating husband place of domicile from employee in other to proof that my husband works in that state so I can be posted there.
    Note: he will be writing it himself because he is self employed

  8. Good evening, please I want to know if I can cancel my relocation, my relocation was approved but it wasn’t to the state I applied for

  9. Morning sir, can you help me with complaint format to Nysc. I would like to change My PPA due to lack of accommodation and salary. And av been accepted there before I realized there’s no accommodation and no salary. Pls I need it urgently. Thank you 🙏

    1. Hello Abbey, I suggest you go ASAP to your LI or to the NYSC secretariat where you are posted to and lay a complain. You should also expect them to be reluctant in granting your request, but do not give in to what they will tell you. Insist on the change of PPA that you want and it will be done, the moment they know you are serious about it. Thanks and sorry for replying late.

      1. Evening Sir…. I applied for a relocation to Lagos state, but I got Ogun state instead. So I want to cancel my relocation back to my usual state of deployment which is Delta state. I want to know if iam to use the normal application of redeployment format .

        1. Its very possible. You may not use the exact redeployment letter format. All you need to do is to state your reasons for demanding the relocation and insist on getting the redeployment. Its very possible.

    2. Pls I got married before going to camp buh can’t get my marriage certificate, so I got my marriage certificate after camp ,can I still apply for relocation

      1. Please, how can I go about this.
        My relocation was successful but there is no option for print, instead it’s said however get a clearance form from the state coordinator, please how do I go about it now.

  10. Good day sir, please in applying online relocation can i apply on medical ground, because in the place that the said reason it is only marital and insecurity that is displaying there.

  11. Good morning sir/ma pls I need a format on how to write letter for relocation for insecurity reason, which I will apply through my NYSC Portal, pls I need it very urgent 🙏

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