How To Conduct A Training Needs Assessment: A Step-by-Step Guide

How To Conduct A Training Needs Assessment

Thinking about improving your training program? You are not the only one. Many organizations struggle to identify their training needs, but with so many benefits from successfully implemented training programs, that’s a good thing. A training needs assessment is an essential element for the success of any organization and its employees. It helps you understand what skills need to be improved by measuring your present performance, identifying gaps in knowledge, and determining where those skills will be most useful. This article will teach you how to conduct a training needs assessment—step by step.

What is a Training Needs Assessment?

A training needs assessment is an evaluation of what skills your employees need to learn. It identifies the gaps in employees’ knowledge and skills, and helps you create a training program to fill those gaps. The assessment measures what employees currently know and do, and compares that to what they need to know and do.

A training needs assessment is also sometimes referred to as an assessment of training needs (ATN), skills gap analysis, training gap analysis, or a skills audit.

Why Conduct A Training Needs Assessment?

Whether you’re just starting a training program, or you’ve had one for some time now, it’s important for you to evaluate it periodically. As your organization grows, evolves, and changes, so do your employees’ skills. The needs of your workforce shift over time, and it’s your responsibility to keep up with those needs.

You may have had a training program in place for a while now, but if you’ve never conducted a training needs assessment, you don’t know if your program is successful. You don’t know what your employees know, and you don’t know what they don’t know. You don’t know what skills they need to improve their performance. You don’t know how to improve your organization as a whole, or how to foster a culture of learning and excellence.

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Step 1: Define the training program’s goal(s) and objective(s)

The first step in conducting a training needs assessment is to define the following: The training program’s goals, the training program’s objectives, and the desired outcomes.

– The training program’s goals

A goal is a desired outcome that the training program aims to achieve. There are many different types of goals you can have for your training program. Some examples of training program goals are improving employee retention, increasing sales, increasing productivity, reducing employee turnover, and increasing customer satisfaction.

– The training program’s objectives

An objective is a measurable result of a goal. It helps you to determine if the goal has been achieved or not. It provides a clear vision of what you need the training program to do. There are many different types of objectives you can have for your training program. Some examples of training program objectives are improving customer service, reducing training time, increasing skills retention, and improving the employee onboarding process.

– The desired outcomes

The desired outcome is the result of the training program. It is a measurement of the success of the training program. There are many different types of desired outcomes you can have for your training program. Some examples of training program desired outcomes are an increase in productivity, increased revenue, an improved customer experience, and a reduction in turnover.

Step 2: Assess current skills of employees

Once you have defined the goals and objectives of your training program, you need to assess your employees’ current skills. You can do this in a couple of ways.

– A skills inventory

A skills inventory is a questionnaire of skills that will help you understand the skills of your employees. It will help you identify what your employees know, and what they don’t know. It will help you identify skills gaps and determine which skills are most important to learn.

– Skills audits

A skills audit is more hands-on than a skills inventory. It is a “formal, structured examination of work practices and work products” where employees will be observed using the skills they use on a daily basis.

Step 3: Determine which skills are needed most

After you have assessed your employees’ current skills, you need to determine which skills are needed most. You can do this by evaluating the skills inventory or skills audit and determining which skills need improvement. You can also do this through a skills gap analysis.

– A skills gap analysis

A skills gap analysis is a comparison between the skills needed to do the job successfully, and the skills your employees currently have. It will help you identify which skills your employees need to improve. You can use a skills gap analysis with a skills inventory or skills audit.

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Step 4: Create a curriculum based on your findings

After you’ve determined which skills are needed most, you should create a curriculum that will help employees improve those skills.

You can create the curriculum based on a skills inventory or skills audit. However, if you’ve done a skills gap analysis, you can use that to help you create a curriculum as well.

There are many different types of training programs you can create to help employees improve their skills.

You can create training programs that are delivered in person, online, or a combination of both.

There are many different types of training formats you can use to create your training program:

Lecture – Lecture is a training format where an instructor stands in front of a group and talks. It’s a tried and true method of teaching, but it can get boring and tedious very quickly.

Discussion – A discussion training format is when an instructor brings in various experts to discuss their topics, and the class participates in discussions on those topics.

Action learning – An action learning training format is a type of experiential learning where employees engage in real-world activities to solve real-world problems. It’s a great way to get people engaged and excited about learning new things.

Simulation – A simulation training format is where employees are placed in a simulated environment to practice skills in a risk-free environment. It’s great for a wide variety of topics, and can help build confidence in employees.

SHRM also has a few things to say about how to conduct a training needs assessment.


The success of your training program depends on how well you conduct a training needs assessment. If you don’t conduct a training needs assessment, you won’t know what skills your employees need to improve their performance. If you don’t know which skills are needed most, you won’t be able to create a successful training program. A training needs assessment is an essential part of any successful training program. It helps you understand what skills need to be improved by measuring your present performance, identifying gaps in knowledge, and determining where those skills will be most useful.


  • Godwin Ekpo is an experienced Educationist and Learning Experience Designer with a proven track record of developing and implementing effective learning solutions for all kinds of organizations.

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