Online Video Lessons | The New Better Way To Learn

Smartphones and mobile devices have conquered the world. Meaning, we live in a smart world now. Even when it has to do with learning, we are expected to study smarter, not harder. Birthing, the need to consider available (sometimes, free) online video lessons, as the new better way to learn faster and improve retention.
What are Video Tutorials?
Video tutorials, lessons or lectures are videos which present educational material for a topic which is to be learned. The format of a video tutorial may vary. It might be a video of an instructor speaking to the camera about a topic or some mixture of an instructor, a recorded speech, texts, pictures or animations for the purpose of simplifying the learning of subject matter. Video lesson can be gotten in the form of a DVD, VCD or accessed online.
So if this is what a video lesson is, then why do I think it is the new better way to learn?
Learn how to create a standard e-learning video course.
Learn Smarter, Not Harder: Importance of Online Video Lessons to Learners
You do not need to study aimlessly; study with a purpose in mind.
Gone were the days where you needed to be stressed up before you could get quality lectures. In this knowledge era, you can easily access thousands of relevant lessons, with the right combination of pictures and sound, online. You smart gadgets can also help you learn smarter!
Below are the importance of online video lessons.
Videos are Portable
Quick question: Do you have a blackboard in your bathroom? How about your kitchen?
Media mobility is one of the biggest selling points of video tutorials. In the not so distant past we all had to head into classrooms or lesson centers, many of which were located far away from our homes. Those of us who could afford home tutors had to have a blackboard in a space designated for home lessons. All these meant lessons took place at fixed times and at fixed places.
Today, however, thanks to smartphones and tablets we can learn anytime and anywhere. Just get the necessary instructional videos and you can curl up on your bed by 4:19am and learn how to bisect lines and circumvent triangles. Heck, you can even learn it while heating up your breakfast in the microwave.
Videos are Engaging
Quick question: Would you rather read a Black Panther novel or watch the movie? What about Fast and Furious?
Videos engage and motivate in a way text-based communications will never do. It has been scientifically shown that video based communication is more efficient and effective than text based communication. People assimilate information from videos faster than they do from portions of text. This is because covering a portion of text takes more time and requires a considerably larger amount of focus than it takes to watch an equivalent video. Besides, videos provide the extra audiovisual context with makes clear to the viewer what they would have otherwise had to imagine.
With respect to education, video tutorials provide the human elements (in the form of the visible instructor) which make the consumers of the video content feel as though they are being personally mentored.
Videos Allow for Independent Learning
Quick question: Have you ever suggested to your school the topics you wanted to learn in depth? Okay, so how did that go?
In a live classroom the teacher is usually in control of the learning.
Videos Make for Flexible Learning
Quick question: When last did you ask your teacher at school to pause and rewind? Or to teach the previous week’s lesson all over?
The average classroom is made up of over twenty students with a wide range of individual learning speeds. The breadth of this range makes it difficult, if not impossible, for teachers to satisfy every student and still meet up with their deadlines. In a live classroom, it is easy for a student to miss out on important points at any given moment if the teacher’s selected speed of instruction is higher than the student’s learning speed.
With video tutorials, however, the learners are totally in control of the timeline of their learning and never have to miss out on anything. The ability to pause, rewind, stop and play a recorded video helps students replay important points they need to digest; and this sort of repetition is essential for retention and recall.
Videos Provide a Whole World of Insight
Quick question. Would you be able to feel the music if you read the Glee series in a book? What about pitch perfect?
Videos Accommodate Different Learning Styles.
Learners can be classified into four major groups according their learning styles.
The read/write learner learns best from reading books.
The aural learner learns best from listening to audio recordings.
The visual learner learns best from looking at pictures and graphs and charts.
The kinesthetic learner (wow, what a mouthful) learns best from doing.
Read also: How to make money selling video courses online
Check out this JAMB video tutorial.
Matter of fact, a video tutorial is an optimum blend of all four strategies. The instructor gets to write (read/write strategy), gives verbal explanations (aural strategy) for the write-up, illustrates with diagrams and pictures (visual strategy), and the learner gets to step through the tutorial (hands-on strategy) as it plays out.
Clearly, with video tutorials all four aforementioned categories of learners get to win.
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