JAMB Secrets | How to Pass UTME with Good Scores

So, would you not like to know top JAMB secrets on how to pass UTME with good scores, and in one sitting? Read our post!
JAMB is the acronym for the joint admission and matriculation board, a body set up by the federal government in Nigeria to conduct entrance examinations into Nigerian universities. Since its inception in 1978, JAMB has been responsible for the yearly organisation and conduct of all entrance examinations into the country’s tertiary institutions.
Each year, thousands of applicants take the exams, in the hope that their will score the required cut-off point to enable them gain admission into any university of their choice within the country. The minimum JAMB cut-off point to be eligible to gain admission into a Nigerian university is 180, although some courses and programs, especially law and medicine, seek for higher scores. Thus, any student who wishes to pass the JAMB exams and secure a place in a university of their choice has to ensure they are adequately prepared to put in some hard work. Considering the sheer numbers of students who get register for the exams each had the limited spaces available for admission in Nigerian universities, it would not be out of place to say that you need to work extra hard and study assiduously if you are to get that admission.
JAMB Secrets to Help you Pass UTME with Good Score
In this article, we are going to share some useful insight hacks on how you can prepare and pass JAMB UTME with ease. There is no easy way to success and all the tips we are going to share here underscores one vital point: hard work. Thus, we expect you to be prepared to burn the midnight oil even as you employ the following tips on how you can successfully pass JAMB without stress:
Study According To The JAMB Syllabus
JAMB examinations are set according to the syllabus issued by the examination body. Thus, to successfully nail the exams, you have to follow the syllabus religiously. Read all the recommended books as they relate to your subject combinations and ensure you are mentally equipped to tackle the questions that will be asked.
Use JAMB Past Questions and Answers
This is one of the best tips you can ever follow and be sure never to fail. Each year, JAMB repeats some of the questions found in previous exams set by the body. If you want to stand a good chance of scoring high in the exams, it is safe to say you need to study all the previous years past questions you can lay your hands on. They not only help you to know the kinds of questions the examination body is likely to ask in your subject area, but it gives glimpse into how the examiners think and act. Additionally, past questions give you a step ahead by allowing you study likely questions and getting their answers in case they are repeated.
Join A JAMB Preparatory Class
Most often, it would not be easy for you to study and get yourself prepared for the exams on your own. Some of the problems you will encounter in the syllabus provided by JAMB will need you to enlist the services of a tutor to get you brushed up. Thus, the need to join a JAMB preparatory class where you are taught everything based on the syllabus for that year. Currently, there are literally thousands of such classes scattered all over the length and breadth of the country, with at least one in every street in your neighbourhood. Join a good one, with high quality tutors who know their onions, and this will go a long way in getting you adequately prepared for the examination.
Purchase JAMB Tutorial Videos Online
There’s a new trend, all learners are beginning to resort to available video lectures online so they can pass their examinations in flying colours. There are numerous video courses of many professional examination bodies on the internet. Today, online classes are also available for JAMB candidates. Considering the various benefits derived from downloading these courses, all UTME candidates need to get the video lessons. Every JAMB subject is fully taught according to the syllabus; all illustrations were gotten from JAMB past questions, it has video solutions to JAMB past questions; and can be downloaded for offline study. Get your GOPIUS JAMB video lessons online now!
Engage With Like Minds
Another sure-proof way of getting it right with your JAMB scores is to read and engage with like minds. Join reading groups, engage with those who have already taken the exams and scored high grades. Sharing thoughts with like minds help you to build your interest in reading, while also ensuring your iron out the grey areas you have problem with in your subject.
Start Studying On Time
Most student fail their JAMB examinations for the simple reason that they never took their studies seriously and start on time. There is no magic to effective studying than starting on time. It’s almost foolhardy to think you can rush through your studies in week and expect to make good grades. Once you register for the exams and are given the required syllabus, start immediately to prepare for the exams. Devise a workable reading plan and stick to it, reading specific subjects are areas each day. That way, you don’t get to rush over your studies and clog your brain with too much facts just days to your exams.
Set A High Score For Yourself And Work Towards Achieving It
While preparing physically for the exams, it is also pertinent you prepare mentally for the outcome. This can be achieved by setting a high target for yourself. One good thing with this technique is that it allows you to aim very high, meaning that even if you fall short of your target, you will still arrive at a comfortable score that guarantees you still meet up the cut-off mark for your preferred course of study.
Manage your time effectively
This involves your reading time and pattern. You could still study every day but end up with a poor result if your study pattern and time is not structured for success. Have a time timetable of your reading time and follow it judiciously, ensuring you designate each day to study a particular subject in-depth and understand all the sub-topics around it. The key is to be structured in such way that you are organised in your studies without losing valuable time in the build-up to your JAMB examination.
Over the years, thousands of candidates have taken the JAMB exams and come out with flying colours. You too can achieved the same feat, only if you put the above tips and insights into proper use. Remember, if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. In order words, a goal without a plan is just a wish. So, as you prepare for your JAMB exams, make sure you are realistic about your successes, put in the hard work, and the sky will be your limit.