20 Dos And Don’ts Of Teaching

20 Dos And Don’ts Of Teaching
Teachers are the head of every class, and with that responsibility comes a certain amount of power. As a result, for teachers to be effective, there are certain do’s and don’ts of teaching they have to implement.
Remember this one thing about teaching, all teachers can make mistakes and have bad days.
As a teacher in any level of education, there are several things you should and shouldn’t do on a daily basis. Whether you are teaching a large class or a small one, these classroom management techniques should be your guide.
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20 Dos And Don’ts Of Teaching
Here are 20 Do’s of teaching for effective classroom management:
1) Always maintain a professional behavior, even when exasperated by an administrator, parent or child. To remain in self-control is always hard, since we all have feelings and a natural urge to react when we are provoked. But to remain composed depicts maturity, sophistication and professionalism.
2) Be objective; avoid instigative comments in your notes sent home or to the principal. Write candid progress reports; don’t twist facts or overlook problems, despite pressure from administrators or a desire to sugarcoat the truth. Students hate teachers who falsify the truth to defend themselves when they are in error.
3) Have backup plans when a certain activity is not working. Teachers are meant to be flexible with tactics, so if in the midst of a lesson a certain approach is not working, teachers have the freedom to simply familiarize a better technique.
4) Plan for different teaching styles (i.e., visual, kinesthetic, audio, verbal). Keep in mind that students learn adversely, so every lesson should have an array of conditions that would help support the concept.
5) It is essential for teachers to remember each child has separate differences. No two students are alike. Never analyze students personally.
6) Plan for dissimilar learning ability levels. Research reveals that students learn best from their peers, so unified learning should be incorporated in lessons whenever suitable.
7) Allow children to choose projects. Give them alternatives to choose from. In giving choices, more work will be shown. Focus more on the process rather than the final product.
8) Let children be risk-takers, allow them make mistakes. Then inspire them to try and try again! We should learn from our mistakes to appropriate processes and procedures.
9) Use teachable moments to strengthen integration of subjects and values.
10) Plan instruction with these three phases: before, during and after reading.
11) Routinely self-reflect with instructional practices and student development within school. Always ask yourself, did I use the best avenue in teaching the concept? Could I have done anything better to reach every child? Did I sufficiently plan for the students and were the exercises meaningful?
12) Develop and give opportunities for students to use psychological strategies to analyze, evaluate, synthesize and make applications to accurate situations.
13) Develop literacy rich environments that portray words and print everywhere; supply opportunities and tools that engross students in reading and writing activities, and commend students’ reading and writing abilities.
14) Develop students for success in school and in life using an equalized curriculum.
15) Include the PIES model as taught by Kagan structures so that students can take total ownership of their learning.
16) Create impelling participants rather than inactive observers in every lesson. Teacher-centered lessons are definitely over and teachers have to think of artistic ways to teach topics and lessons via active and fun approaches since students attention are easily distracted.
17) Routinely observe and assess the reading levels and evolution of individual students. This ongoing assessment directs and informs instruction.
18) Inspire students with a eagerness for lifelong learning. The teacher understands that the expectations entrenched for the students highly affect their accomplishment; the teacher knows that students typically give as much or as little as is expected from them.
19) Develop a sense of community and acceptance in the classroom. The mutual respect in the teacher’s classroom promotes a collaborative and supportive environment.
20) Be accessible, enthusiastic, warm and caring. This kind of teacher is very approachable, not only to students, but to everyone in the school premises. This is the teacher the students know they can go with any situation or predicament, or even to tell a funny story.
Read also: 10 Things Teachers Should Never Do In Classroom
20 Dont’s of Teaching
Here are 20 things you should never do as a teacher:
1) Don’t plan and teach in seclusion. Children learn best when disciplines are introduced and they can make combinations with how topics link together.
2) Never act like it’s an individual effort. Don’t think you can do everything on your own. Working as a team with the students will be more rewarding.
3) Don’t fail to make adjustments and apply effective criticisms, that would result in the progression of plans and interventions developed on behalf of the students.
4)Don’t constantly inform parents via text or letter of the bad behaviors of students
5) Don’t identify a student because of his socioeconomic status.
6) Don’t deny addition of a student because he or she is unkempt.
7) Don’t use sarcasm and contempt as a quick reaction to discipline students.
8) Don’t discriminate students by reducing their grades or issuing faults due to past negative encounters with parents.
9) Don’t exaggerate students’ grades without checking papers.
10) Never show a lack of compassion and concern for any students’ well-being, particularly when they are faced with sadness, grief or a very difficult predicament.
11) Don’t insult students by referring to parents’ failures.
12) Never throw marker and duster at students.
13) Never collect gifts and bribery from parents to pay special attention to any student.
14) Don’t be too friendly with any of the student, it may send mixed signals that could be seen as flirting.
15) Don’t use physical force and aggression on any of the student.
16) Never underestimate any student learning ability.
17) Don’t send any student out of your class due to disruptive behaviours.
18) Don’t walk out of your class when students’ behavior becomes too provoking.
19) Don’t make fraudulent accusations against a teacher or a student.
20) Don’t leave the school as soon as the bell rings in the evenings without bringing appropriate closure to your work.
Read also: https://gopius.com/how-to-become-a-professional-teacher/