WAEC GCE | Registration, Timetable and Result

All you need to know about WAEC GCE is here. From getting the WAEC GCE 2020 form for registration, timetable, Junior WAEC, WAEC grading system, how to check your WAEC result, and more. Virtually everything about WAEC GCE 2020 is here on this page.
The West African Examination Council General Certificate Examination (WAEC GCE) is an examination that is conducted by The West African Examination Council for University and Jamb Entry Examination in West Africa Countries which began since 1952. In a year, over three million candidates registered for the exams coordinated by WAEC.
Whether MAY-JUNE or Nov-Dec, WAEC GCE Registration Pins/forms are available in all the WAEC Zonal Offices nationwide and participating Banks. The WAEC GCE scratch cards are also available in some registration outlets and cyber cafes.
After buying the form, you may need to locatean accreditation internet cafe to register for the examination. Some of them charge from N500 to N1500 per registration. This price is not fixed and the final cost will depend on your bargaining power.
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Step-By-Step Procedures to Register For the WAEC GCE 2018
As you prepare to register for 2018 WAEC GCE, here are basic steps to follow:
You are to start your registration by enrolling your fingerprints and capturing other personal details using the Biometric Data Capture software. Visit any registration Centre with such facilities to scan your fingerprints. Ensure your Surname, First name and other names are captured using the software.
Enter your Bio data
You are required to enter your bio data which includes Gender, Disability, Marital Status, Maiden Name (if applicable), Date of Birth, Nationality and State of Origin. Note that your name must not be more than 40 characters; this includes spaces between the surname, first name and other name. Please select NONE for disability information if you are not disabled
Uploading of passport photograph
You are required to upload your scanned passport size photograph with a white background. The photograph must be a recent one and must be in Joint Portable Exchange (JPE) format. Note that the photograph you upload will be printed on your photo card and certificate. The dimension of the passport must be exactly 275×314 pixels. The photograph must not be more than 15 kilobytes and not less than 7 kilobytes in size.
Supply your Contact information
You are required to supply your contact information which includes telephone, email, residential address, residential city, residential state, postal address, city and state. Note that Telephone number is compulsory since it would be used to contact the candidate should the need arise.
Selection of preferred examination town
You are required to select the state and town you wish to write the examination. The exact Centre will be automatically assigned to you by the system. Please note that you cannot change your Examination town after submission
Select your Subjects selection
English Language and Mathematics have been automatically selected for you because they are compulsory. You are required to select the other subjects you wish to register for in this examination. Please note that a minimum of Seven (7) and a maximum of Nine (9) subjects are allowed (English Language and Mathematics inclusive).
Check your Declaration
You are required to read the declaration section carefully and check or tick the check boxes before submitting your form. You cannot proceed unless you have done this.
Submit your registration
Once you have completed the registration form, you are required to click the “accept” button after which a preview of your details will be displayed. You are required to review your application at this stage and click the “edit” button if you desire to make any modification. You should click the “save” button if you want to save your application and still be able to come back and modify it. Note that you can only modify up to 3 times. Click the “submit” button if you want to submit your application. Note that you will no longer be able to modify your application once you click the “submit” button.
Printing your admission notice/photo card
On successful completion and submission of your registration form, the system will allocate a Centre to you and generate your examination number. You should then print the admission notice/photo card. Note that this document will be required before you are allowed into the examination hall.
You can also visit http://registration.waecdirect.org/ to register.
Please ensure you have captured your biometric fingerprints, scanned your passport and captured other personal details before you continue registration.
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Do you have any queries? Then you can send a mail to support@waecnigeria.org or call them on the following number: 01-2700516.
Getting The WAEC Syllabus
Getting the WAEC GCE Syllabus before a Waec Exam could be the difference between succeeding and failing.
The poor performance in last year’s WAEC GCEcould be rightly attributed to students’ lack of knowledge of common pitfalls, coupled with inadequate coverage of syllabus and non-familiarity with test format.
In an effort to help boost your performance in the forthcoming WAEC GCE 2017, here is the WAEC GCE Syllabus (visit smart lecturer LMS blog to guide you during your study on each subjects offered in WAEC GCE. Visit us anytime to download any other WAEC GCE syllabus not made available on the previous link.
Getting WAEC GCE 2017 Past Questions
Get acquainted with the WAEC GCE syllabus and past questions: WAEC examination always follow some topics in setting up their examination questions and it is advisable that all WAEC GCE 2017 candidate should study a good number or better still, all of the topics before the D-Day and not rely solely on extra classes or tutorial centers.
More so, a great number of people have shared their testimonies about past questions. Past questions helps you with sample questions and you observe repeated questions that prepares you for your upcoming examination. You can get online exam past questions here.
READ ALSO: How to pass any exam with flying colours.
WAEC GCE 2018 Timetable – 2ND SERIES
This page promises to bring to you the 2018/2019 WAEC GCE Timetable, not just for one subject; but the timetable for all the WAEC GCE subjects.
This is to inform candidates who registered for the 2018/2019 West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) August/September – second series for private candidates, that the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) has released the examination Timetable in pdf online.
Read More: Waec may-june examination timetable pdf
Click here to Download PDF
**/**** Available to candidates in Nigeria and Liberia
Other Useful Links:
Click Here for the WAEC Syllabus – From 2014 till Date
1. Difference in Time on Question Paper and Timetable
Where the duration indicated on the question paper differs from that on the timetable, the one on the question paper should be
2. Question Papers to be Given Out in Advance of the Dates They Are to be Taken
Visual Art 3
Paper 3A – Instructions will be given to supervisors two weeks before the paper is due to be taken.
Paper 3B – Question papers will be given to candidates two weeks before the paper is due to be taken.
3. Extra Time for Blind, Deaf and Dumb Candidates
Blind, deaf and dumb candidates should be allowed one and half times the time allotted to other candidates.
JULY, 2018
2018 WAEC Grading System
Below is the new WAEC grading systems and their interpretations
A1 Excellent 75% – 100%
B2 Very good 70% – 74%
B3 Good 65%–69%
C4 Credit 60% – 64%
C5 Credit 55% – 59%
C6 Credit 50% – 54%
D7 Pass 45% – 49%
E8 Pass 40% – 45%
F9 Failure 0% – 44%
2018 WAEC GCE Result Checking
Worried about what your WAEC GCE Result is going to turn out to be? Here are some tips to Do It Yourself (DIY)
- Visit WAEC result checking portal at www.waecdirect.org.
- Enter your 10-digit WAEC Examination Number. (This is your 7-Digit Centre number followed by your 3-digit candidate number e.g 1234567890)
- Select your Examination Year i.e. 2017
- Select the Type of Examination i.e. NOV/DEC WASSCE Private or PRIVATE CANDIDATE RESULT
- Enter the Card Serial Number found on the reverse side of your Scratch card.
- Enter the Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your Scratch card
- Click on the “Submit” button and wait for the results window to come up
How To Check WAEC GCE 2017 Result Via SMS
To check your 2017 WAEC GCE result via SMS, use the short code format below:
- Type “WAEC GCE*Exam Number*Scratch Card Pin*ExamYear*To short-code 32327 (MTN, Airtel & Glo subscribers only)
- For example -: WAEC*4250101001*123456789012*2013
- Note: Ensure you adhere strictly to the format above. There should be no space in the message.
- Wait for your result to be delivered to your phone via SMS. (SMS Cost N30 Only)
- Hint: you can only use your result checker 5 times, so be wise!
Read also: 2018 JAMB Result: How To Check JAMB Result
How to Collect Your Original WAEC GCE Certificate
Candidates that participated in the WAEC GCE examination up till November / December 2014, are advised to visit the WAEC zonal and state offices nationwide (visit for WAEC offices nationwide) to collect their certificates.
The available certificates are the Nov / Dec General Certificate of Education Ordinary / Advance Levels (GCE O/A Levels), Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) (Private) and WASSCE (Private).
Candidates who fail to collect their certificates after December 31st, 2015 may be charged an extra fee for the custody of the certificates.
Hints: Go to any WAEC Office nearest to you with your statement of result i.e. the printout to get the original copy.
You will also need two passport and a form of identification(school ID, driver’s license, work I.D) and a sum of #2000.
Junior Secondary Certificate Examination (JSCE) 2018
The Junior Secondary Certificate Examination (JSCE) is one that enables you to transit from one level of the educational system to the next; pupils have to undergo selection or achievement examinations to determine their suitability for the level they are transiting into.
To transit from the JSS 3 class of the basic education class to the senior secondary i.e the SSS 1 class, the JSCE is conducted for candidates in their JSS 3 while each state of the federation and the FCT conducts the JSCE for its candidates, NECO conducts the JSCE for Federal Unity Colleges, Armed Forces Secondary Schools and other Federal establishments operating Secondary schools. Private Secondary schools also take part in the NECO JSCE provided they are permitted by their State Ministries of Education. Twenty two subjects are administered at the JSCE level. A candidate is expected to sit for a minimum of ten subjects and a maximum of thirteen. A candidate is deemed to have passed the JSCE if he/she has passes in six subjects including English and Mathematics.
The grading system for the JSCE exam is as follows:
- A – Distinction
- C – Credit
- P – Pass
- F – Fail
To Check Your Junior WAEC Result
You should follow same procedure as indicated above.
WAEC Official Website
In case you are looking for a means to contact WAEC Office worldwide, below are the official website for WAEC Offices worldwide.
WAEC Nigeria
www.waecnigeria.org/ or at www.waeconline.org.ng/
WAEC Ghana
WAEC Gambia
WAEC Liberia
WAEC Sierra Leone
This is how far we can go today, join us next time. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask via the comment section. Don’t forget to share this post. Thank you.