Success Tips to Score Above 300 in JAMB UTME without Expo

This article shares some helpful success tips to score above 300 in JAMB UTME without expo.
JAMB UTME is not an ordinary exam, neither is it a local school exam. It is a well-recognised exam by all Nigerian Universities.
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination is like every other exam. And since you have passed previous exams, you can also pass JAMB successfully.
Most especially with good preparations and practice of JAMB past question papers, you should be able to score above 300 in your JAMB without having to cheat your way through it.
Success Tips to Score Above 300 in JAMB UTME without Expo
Here is how to pass JAMB without cheating:
NB: Join JAMB WhatsApp Groups for Different Schools now!!!
- Preparation is key: “when preparation meets opportunity, success they say is inevitable”. This preparation on how to pass the JAMB UTME jamb exam must be done diligently by:
- Reading all books available to you
- Having a coach, a tutor or a reading group
- Attempting previous Jamb questions. e-jamb past questions are available online at
- Thoroughly practicing the available JAMB demo of the Computer Based Test (CBT) that would be used in the course of the exam so Jamb CBT candidates are therefore advised to go through this test thoroughly.
- E-testpedia also offers such a CBT platform to help candidates and university aspirants through their jamb exam.
Read also:
- JAMB Subject Combinations for all Courses Offered in Nigeria
- JAMB Subject Combination for Science Courses
- JAMB Subject Combination for Art Courses
- JAMB Subject Combination for Social Science Courses
How to Pass JAMB without Cheating
See more information on easy ways to pass your JAMB CBT Examination and score above the JAMB cut off mark of your desired institution.
Let go of your fears
When you put fear by your side, you will find out you will fail not that you don’t know what to do but because you don’t know whether you will pass this exams and where to start to read your book. Be bold and courageous. Replace your fears with faith. Believe in yourself. Build your self-esteem and tell yourself that “you are the best, anywhere, anytime”.
Get acquainted with the jamb syllabus and past questions
Jamb always follow some syllabus topics in setting up their examination questions and it is advisable that all jamb candidate should study a good number or better still, all of the topics before the D-Day and not rely solely on extra classes or tutorial centres. More so, a great number of people have shared their testimonies about past questions.
Past questions helps you with sample JAMB questions and you observe repeated questions that prepares you for your upcoming examination. You can get online JAMB UTME Examination past questions here in GOPIUS Blog.
Punctuality: the sole of business
One great advise for jamb candidates is to be in the state/local/town/village where your Centre is located a day before the examination date so as to avoid unforeseen circumstances such as car break-down or inability to locate the Centre for your exam before the exam starts. These are vital pitfalls to be avoided.
Use the Recommended Textbooks
Knowledge is power. Information is power. The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility”. Studying an Ugo C. Ugo textbook for a chemistry subject as a science student is suicidal to your success in your jamb examination. Be wise. Make your own research, use the syllabus, ask your predecessors on which and which textbooks are recommended for all your subjects ad you would see yourself smiling back from the result board.
Indicate Your Own Jamb Paper Type
Many students choose to change their Jamb paper during the examination. Let say your Jamb use of English paper type is TYPE A. Some student will quickly get expo from their colleagues without checking the expo type. Be careful, we completely advice against the use of expo on this platform!
Information is Power
Be close to information because without information you will not have a knowledge of the starting dates or whether it’s has been cancel or not. So we advise you to use information sites. This is a site that provides crucial information about JAMB UTME Examination.
Read also: Basic Things to do Before Applying for JAMB
What to do in Your JAMB Exam Hall
A few words of Solomon for you at the examination halls:
- Be observant
- Put God at the fore front of your examination
- Read the instructions first and properly
- Jot down formulas and acronyms you must have gathered while studying
- Plan your time pacing for each subjects in advance
- Take a deep breath after each paper before the next. It clears your brain of residual matters
- Do not jump from one subject to the other.
- Erase properly using the appropriate eraser and recommended pencil
Hope you now know some Success Tips to Score Above 300 in JAMB without Expo. Feel free to ask questions using the comment box below, we will be glad to be of help to you. Also, do not hesitate to Share this post!