How to Update Your NIN Number Information

How to Update Your NIN Number Information – The NIN is a unique set of 11 non-intelligible numbers assigned to an individual upon enrolment. It is used to tie all records about a person in the database and is used to check the identity verified.
The NIN is essential for accessing welfare and other relevant services from the Nigerian Government, transactions with social security implications, land transactions subject to the Land Use Act, and any other transactions NIMC may prescribe and list in the Federal Government Gazette.
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How to Update Your NIN Number Information
If you need to update your information on NIN, the process is straightforward. Follow these steps:
1. Visit the nearest NIMC enrolment centre. You can find a list of enrolment centres on the NIMC website.
2. Provide your NIN to the enrolment officer.
3. Fill in the NIMC update form.
4. Provide any necessary supporting documents, such as a valid ID card or birth certificate.
5. Have your biometric data (fingerprint, facial image, and signature) captured.
6. Verify and confirm your details.
7. Submit your completed form and supporting documents.
Double-check that the information you provide is accurate and up to date. Be patient as the enrollment process may take some time. Follow the instructions of the enrolment officer carefully.
After updating your information on NIN, your details will be reviewed by NIMC. If all the information is correct, your NIN will be updated, and you will receive a new NIN slip. You should keep this slip safe as it serves as proof of your updated information.
What Documents are Required to Update Your NIN Information
To update your NIN information, you will need to provide any necessary supporting documents, such as a valid ID card or birth certificate. The documents required depend on the type of modification you want to make. For example, if you want to change your name, you will need to provide a sworn affidavit, newspaper extract, or marriage certificate (for married ladies).
If you want to change your address, you will need to provide a utility bill, tenancy agreement, bank statement, or community leader attestation. If you want to change your phone number, you will need to provide a police report.
In addition to the supporting documents, you will also need to provide the original copy of the NIN slip issued to you after the first registration, a printout of the Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) Number given at the bank after payment, and an application letter duly signed by you for the change you want to make on your data.
It is important to note that the fee paid for this service is non-refundable, and the commission reserves the right to reject any application that does not meet the requirements.
How Long Does it Take to Update Your NIN Information
The time it takes to update your NIN information may vary depending on the enrolment center’s speed and the number of people waiting to be attended to. However, the enrolment process may take some time, so it is essential to be patient and follow the instructions of the enrolment officer carefully.
After updating your information, it will be reviewed by NIMC, and if all the information is correct, your NIN will be updated, and you will receive a new NIN slip. The new NIN slip serves as proof of your updated information. The new/modified National e-ID Card will be issued to the applicant within three months after re-issuance of NIN slip.
In conclusion, updating your NIN information is a simple process that requires a visit to the nearest NIMC enrolment centre. Ensure that you provide accurate and up-to-date information and follow the instructions of the enrolment officer carefully. After updating your information, keep your new NIN slip safe as proof of your updated information.