Introduction to the US Post Office Hold Mail Service

US Post Office Hold Mail Service

The US Postal Service (USPS) offers a valuable service known as the US Post Office Hold Mail Service, which allows individuals to temporarily suspend mail delivery to their address. This service can be particularly useful for those who are traveling, moving, or simply need a break from the daily influx of mail. In this article, we will explore the details of the US Post Office Hold Mail Service, its benefits, and how to utilize it effectively.

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What is the US Post Office Hold Mail Service?

The US Post Office Hold Mail Service is a feature provided by the USPS that enables customers to request a temporary hold on their mail delivery. This means that the Postal Service will hold onto any mail that would have been delivered to the customer’s address during the specified hold period, and then deliver it all at once when the hold is lifted.

Benefits of the US Post Office Hold Mail Service

The US Post Office Hold Mail Service offers several benefits to customers:

1. Convenience

For those who are traveling or away from their home for an extended period, the US Post Office Hold Mail Service provides a convenient way to ensure that their mail is safely stored and delivered upon their return. This can help prevent the accumulation of mail and reduce the risk of theft or misplacement.

2. Security

By temporarily suspending mail delivery, the US Post Office Hold Mail Service can help protect customers from potential identity theft or other mail-related crimes. This is particularly important for those who live in areas with high foot traffic or have concerns about the security of their mailbox.

3. Flexibility

The US Post Office Hold Mail Service offers flexibility in terms of the duration of the hold. Customers can choose to hold their mail for as little as one day or as long as 30 days, depending on their needs.

How to Use the US Post Office Hold Mail Service

Using the US Post Office Hold Mail Service is a straightforward process. Here are the steps:

1. Initiate the Hold

Customers can initiate a hold on their mail by contacting the USPS either online, by phone, or in person at their local post office. They will need to provide their name, address, and the dates for which they would like the hold to be in effect.

2. Manage the Hold

Once the hold has been initiated, customers can manage it by checking the status of the hold, extending the hold period, or canceling the hold if necessary. This can be done through the USPS website, by phone, or by visiting the local post office.

3. Receive the Held Mail

When the hold period has ended, the USPS will deliver all the held mail to the customer’s address. Customers can also choose to have the held mail held at the post office for pickup, if they prefer.

Can I use the US Post Office Hold Mail Service for International Mail

No, you cannot use the US Post Office Hold Mail Service for international packages or mail. The search results indicate the following:

“You can not hold an individual international package. You can do a hold for all mail to an address.”

The US Post Office Hold Mail Service is only for holding all mail delivered to a domestic address, not individual international packages or mail. The service is meant to hold all mail, including letters and packages, that would be delivered to the customer’s address during the specified hold period.

So while you can use the Hold Mail Service to pause delivery of all mail to your domestic address, including any international mail that may be delivered there, you cannot use it to specifically hold just an individual international package. For international packages, you would need to use the USPS Package Intercept service instead, which the search results indicate is not possible for international packages.

Are there any Other Services to Manage International Mail while on Vacation

Based on the search results, there are a few other options for managing international mail while on vacation, beyond just the USPS Hold Mail Service:

1. International Mail Forwarding Services:

The search results mention services like “Traveling Mailbox” that offer international mail forwarding. These services allow you to have your mail forwarded to a virtual mailbox or address, which you can then access and manage remotely while traveling internationally.

2. Temporary Change of Address:

For longer trips over 30 days, the search results suggest using a USPS Temporary Change of Address to forward your mail to another location, rather than just holding it. This allows you to continue receiving your mail while away.

3. Mail Scanning and Digital Access:

Some mail forwarding services, like those mentioned in the search results, offer the ability to have your mail scanned and provided to you digitally. This allows you to view and manage important mail remotely, without having to wait for physical delivery.


The US Post Office Hold Mail Service is a valuable tool for USPS customers who need a temporary break from mail delivery. By understanding the benefits and how to use this service, customers can enjoy the convenience, security, and flexibility it provides. Whether you’re traveling, moving, or simply need a break from the daily influx of mail, the US Post Office Hold Mail Service is worth considering.


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