70 Monday Blessings and Prayers to Start your Week

Monday Blessings and Prayers

Monday Blessings and Prayers – As the sun rises on a new week, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the blessings we have and to offer prayers for the days ahead. Monday Blessings and Prayers are a wonderful way to start the week off on a positive note, focusing our minds on gratitude, faith, and hope.

Read: Blessed Monday Quotes And Bible Scriptures

Monday Blessings and Prayers

Monday blessings and prayers to start your week include:

1. As you enter the new week, may God’s blessings and mercy be with you always. May the Lord help you know what is right and wrong. You are in my prayers.

2. May this Monday be full of joy and gladness. Let God’s grace and mercy be with you from today to the last day of the week. May you find joy and peace in everything you do this week.

3. Stay brave and strong, reach for your dreams and achieve success because it is a new week. Happy Monday.

4. It is a new week, but the game plan should never change. Stay positive no matter the situation you find yourself in.

5. Wishing you a week whose awesomeness cannot be compared to any other. Happy Monday.

6. Be thankful for the breath of life and the gift of a fresh start because not all people have seen this day. Have a fulfilling week.

7. Chasing your dreams is like a race; you have to run alone. Don’t be bothered by other people’s progress because you have your price to win. Have a successful week.

8. Remember that you can handle it no matter what this week throws at you. Wishing you the very best.

9. As you start a new week, may it be the beginning of new things in your life. Let everything you do turn out as you planned it, my friend. Stay fulfilled.

10. A morning like no other waits to greet you with all the cheerfulness of life. Welcome the hope it brings with open arms. Happy Monday.

11. I pray for God’s grace to overshadow you this Monday so that you receive…

12. May you find opportunities where you are in the coming week, and may past failures never be remembered.

13. The journey to success starts with you. Focus on your goal, and leave the worries. You’ll be able to succeed.

14. May God be your guide as you enter the new week. May your path be lit so you can achieve your objectives.

15. Embrace the week with enthusiasm and energy. Take advantage of every opportunity.

16. New week, new inspiration. Go for gold this week; go for excellence. You deserve nothing less.

17. This week, all your hope shall become a reality. You shall experience greatness like never before.

18. Being the first day of the new week, take a breath and move towards your purpose.

19. New week blessings to you all! May this week open the door of success for you.

20. Wherever you go, whatever you do, may the presence of God be with you. Have a blessed week!

21. Welcome to the new week. It is the time to make new beginnings, take up new challenges and write new success stories. Happy new week to you and your loved ones.

22. May your new week be full of fresh air, thoughts, hopes and growth. Make the most of this beautiful new week which is all set to rock your life with happiness and success.

23. May the Lord make your life smooth and give you the strength to overcome difficulties. All the best in the coming week. I am wishing you a great week ahead. May God prosper you and show you mercy. May your belief in Him remove all worries from your life.

24. Remember God and thank Him for the past. Always thank him for the new blessing, and may the new week be your best yet.

25. As you approach the new week, thank the Almighty for all his blessings. May He protect you from all evils.

26. Praying you have a great and wonderful week ahead. May the Almighty’s grace be upon you.

27. May this week open doors in your life’s endeavours and lead you to tremendous success. I wish you a remarkable week ahead.

28. May you make a difference in the coming week for yourself and others.

29. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. – 1 Corinthians 15:58

30. Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded. – 2 Chronicles 15:7

31. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. – Hebrews 6:10

32. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. – 3 John 1:2

33. The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. – Psalm 121:8

34. Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out. – Deuteronomy 28:6

35. The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children. Ye are blessed of the Lord which made heaven and earth. – Psalm 115:14-15

36. Every worker knows how important it is to start the week on a happy note and how best to achieve this by motivating themselves or those they care for with positive Monday blessings messages and quotes. These texts are inspirational, so you can use them as words of affirmation to manifest the reality you are craving.

37. Sunday is going to rest, and we can now focus on having a productive work week ahead. So, goodnight and have a fabulous Monday!

38. Do not help the noises in your head devastate you by giving them power with your thoughts. Instead, focus on the pleasure that lies on the outside.

39. The future is designed by your Mondays, so be guaranteed that God has already equipped you with the ability to absorb the blessings and conquest that the week is loaded with!

40. My blessing for you today is that every situation in your path shall be a ladder to help you climb to greater heights. This Monday morning will usher greatness into your existence. Have a great day.

41. Today will be the beginning of extraordinary and thrilling things in your life. Therefore, embrace the new week with merriment and optimism.

42. May the favour of God shine brilliantly upon you. People will see the grace of Christ and his wonderful deeds in your life as you go out to commence this Monday.

43. God will oversee your path and safeguard you from pushing decisions that will have irreparable harm to your person. I hope your week is filled with beautiful memories.

44. As you initiate today, I hope your life beams God’s blessing all around you. May happiness not stop happening to your heart because Monday’s benefits are unlimited.

45. Thank goodness it’s Monday again! I proclaim that every stumbling block in your life and in the way of your victory shall be made into quicksand, and you will step into outshining excellence.

46. The first day of the working week’s here once more! I pray that you experience breakthroughs from every setback you have encountered throughout the past couple of weeks.

47. Thank God it’s another start to the week! I pray that God’s mercy will cover you, and his favour will be your shield. Everyone who encounters you today will see God’s favour in your life. So start your beautiful day in style.

48. I wish you purely extraordinary and incredible blessings for the rest of your day, and may the mercy of God dwell with you all day round.

49. Welcome to a colourful Monday morning that is also laden with blessings. Be reminded that contentment and serenity of mind make the day unique. Stay positive.

50. May the works of your hands be blessed and fruitful. May you be promoted and celebrated at work. May your light shine so brightly before all men…

51. Hey love, in the hustle of your busy day, I pray for moments of peace, success, and joy to find you. You’re in my thoughts, always.

52. In all our dreams and desires, may the Lord satisfy our needs! May he bless our relationship, and may it cherish forever. I love you.

53. As you navigate your day with love and kindness, may success and prosperity be your constant companions. Sending prayers for an amazing day, my dear.

54. Amid your busy schedule, may you find moments of tranquillity and may your efforts be crowned with success. I’m cheering you on, always.

55. Hey there, sending you a quick prayer for a day filled with accomplishments and moments that make you smile. You’ve got this, and you’re loved.

56. As you tackle the day with your loving and kind spirit, may doors of opportunity swing wide open for you. Sending positive vibes your way, my amazing man.

57. Amidst your busy endeavours, may you feel the warmth of my love and the support of the universe propelling you toward success. Take a moment to breathe, and know you’re cherished.

58. It’s my prayer that the Lord guides you along the best path in life. May He always give you the strength and watch over you.

59. May the Lord give you more grace, peace, and strength today. May He pour His spirit unto you to speak and guide you.

60. Just a quick text to let you know I’m sending prayers your way for a day that matches the kindness and love you bring to others. You’re a blessing.

61. Please, God, send my boyfriend love throughout his day. Make him feel special and remind him of how much I love him every time he thinks of me.

62. Amid your busy schedule, may your heart be light, and may your efforts bear the sweet fruits of success. Rooting for you, now and always.

63. As you pour love into the world, may it be returned to you tenfold. Here’s to a day filled with achievements, my wonderful man.

64. Hey, handsome, during your day, take a moment to feel the love and prayers surrounding you. Wishing you success and a heart full of joy.

65. Dear God, wrap my boyfriend in your love, shielding him from doubt and filling his heart with unwavering faith.

66. Dear Lord, I pray that my boyfriend will always be happy and healthy.

67. I pray that my boyfriend will be filled with your love and happiness. And I ask for help to live each day in a way that brings us closer together.

68. Lord, grant him strength for each challenge, grace for every trial, and moments of joy that surpass any sorrow.

69. Heavenly Father, I thank you for my boyfriend. I pray that you would bless him with your love, joy, peace, and wisdom.

70. Heavenly Father, bless his journey with wisdom, surround him with positive influences, and guide his steps toward a future filled with purpose.


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